Pass the Mic: Women Finding Space on Air
Pass the Mic: Women Finding Space on Air is a compilation of interviews with various women who work or have worked in the radio industry primarily in Toronto, Canada. The interviews were conducted as part of a research project which sought to collect information about women’s experiences while working in radio — an industry which, like all media industries, has traditionally been male-dominated.
Some women chose to speak ‘on the record’ — that is, having their names disclosed and own voices used. Other women preferred to speak anonymously. For those, we have re-voiced the interviews with voice actors to preserve the privacy of the interviewee.
Each interviewee was asked the following questions:

Women in Sports Radio
Pass the Mic: Women in Sports Radio intends to shed a light on the few female voices on sports radio in Canada. These personal stories are of women who are currently working or have worked specifically in sports radio.
Each interviewee was asked the following questions:

Pass the Mic: Women Finding Space on Air is a research project by Lori Beckstead, Associate Professor in the RTA School of Media at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada. For enquiries, contact lbeckste <at> ryerson <dot> ca
Special thanks to research assistants Anna Ashitey, Stacey Copeland, Kelsey Cueva, and Pippa Johnstone.