I remember one time I had an air check when I started doing overnights. And the person who was air checking me, one of my bosses, urged me not to try to be so funny and so smart, and actually said ‘you know why you’re here’ at one point, to imply that I was there just to be sexy on the radio.”
— Raina Douris
Raina Douris has been doing on-air work in radio for a decade. In this interview she recounts some of her frustrations in finding a place in rock radio as a woman, such as knowing she’d be subjected to sexist comments whenever she was around the all-male morning show team (“all you had to do was be in the same room as them, and you would experience sexism”). While she says that women are getting management positions more and more, it still feels like a boys’ club in many ways. She talks about the double standard of what women can or should say on air versus what men can or should say.