When I finished [the interview], I turned my mic off…and he reached over and he put his hand on my chest and squeezed. And I’m like, excuse me? And so I just packed my bag and left his office. And he came out to apologize….He grabbed my shoulder and I put my bag down and I decked him. I’m in my late teens/early twenties, and I have just decked the French ambassador to Canada, in the French embassy, in front of his staff. I walked down the stairs and said, don’t ever touch me again.”
— Veronica Low
Veronica Low has worked radio and television in various roles including journalist, host, producer, advertising, and sales since 1980. In this interview she shares candid stories of her experiences during her career, including the time she was hired to an executive position and later found out she was being paid $40,000 less than a male coworker with far less experience. She points out that in her current role in sales, where performance is based entirely on results, she feels opportunities for women and men are equal.